


My blog: bycatherineegan.wordpress.com

My superpowers: high-kicking, list-making, simultaneously holding two opposing opinions

My weaknesses: fear of flying, over-thinking and then making bad decisions, excessive list-making

My allies: my made-for-walking-in black boots, Mick, the English Language

My enemies: decaf, low blood sugar, the passage of time

My mission: the coexistence of ambivalence and joy.


You can also visit me on facebook, twitter, or instagram.

Here are some blog posts if you want to know more about me:

Why I Write YA : About being a teen and getting older and writing about teens, I guess

Plot Twist! : About me and my fake twin sister in 1989

Good Bones : About trying to live in the world as it is

I, I Will Be King, And You, You Will Be Queen : About falling in love

My One Thing : About choosing the thing that matters, being realistic, and also having faith in what you can do

Going North : Adventures in Paris a long time ago, and Stuart Little

photograph by Isabel Chenoweth www.icportraits.com

photograph by Isabel Chenoweth www.icportraits.com